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sean-izaakse's avatar

I'm Batman, I'm chillin'



Been wanting to do a Batman & Robin pic for ages now but couldn't quite get it right or figure out what I wanted to do with it... till now :aww:

Spent like way too many hours on this trying to get it just right, also cos it's a new style I'm experimenting with. You guys be the judge. I love how it finally turned out. It's a more animated version of my style.

Now, about the pic.
Yup, this is the difference between Dick and Bruce. Dick's enjoying the hell out of finally becoming Batman, and I can totally picture him chilling and eating pizza while on the job if nuthin's happening, instead of being like Bruce and being all stoic and broody. I miss him as Nightwing, but I won't lie, I am loving him as Batman. And the dynamic between him and Damian is fun to watch.

Batman: "Man this is some good pizza. You should try it D."

Robin: "No. We should be working. The real Batman wouldn't be eating pizza."

Batman: "I am the real Batman... one of them. I'm Batman, I'm chillin'."

Robin: "Hmmph..."

Batman: "Dude, you're way too uptight."
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1000x1200px 1.47 MB
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Hybrid55555's avatar
No one questions Batman